There are a few reasons why your connection is slower than usual:
- You could be in a location where your phone is having a hard time picking up the connection or is congested. An example would be a large gathering where there are a lot of people on the network.
- Your current location. Since your phone is picking up radio waves, something around you may be causing interference for a number of reasons.
- The tower you’re connected to is undergoing maintenance.
- The tower you’re connected to is not the closest tower to you.
Possible fixes include:
- If you think you might not be connected to the closest tower, try to resolve this by toggling your airplane mode. Further information can be found here: [link]
- If Wi-Fi is an option and you really need to connect, try using that rather than the mobile network
- Network slowdown may happen at some point, and we would like to thank you for your patience during the periods of slowdown.